The August conference of education workers of Khatlon region was held in the hall of the Palace of Culture of Bokhtar city.

The Chairman of Khatlon region Davlatali Said, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Jurazoda Jamshed, deputy chairmen of the region, chairmen of cities and districts, heads of regional organizations and institutions, the head of the Education Department of Khatlon region Ziyedullo Abdulzoda, heads of education departments, veterans of the education sector, heads of educational institutions, teachers, heads of parent committees and others took part in the August conference of education workers.

First, the Chairman of Khatlon region and other guests visited the exhibition of achievements in the field of education.
This exhibition presented the achievements of the Center for Talent Discovery and Development – medals and cups of national and international competitions and Olympiads. Also, the Center for Innovative and Communication Technologies organized a demonstration of modern technologies, which attracts the attention of each participant. The institution of additional education, the methodological center and development partners presented their significant results to the guests.
The Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said visited the exhibition and gave instructions to the leaders to improve the quality of achievements.

Before the start of the August conference of education workers, the Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said met with young specialists who will begin teaching in their first year and wished them success in their upcoming careers. At the same time, a group of young teachers were presented with a congratulatory letter and gifts from the head of the Khatlon region.

The Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said expressed his opinion on the proud profession of a teacher and added that all the great people of the world are brought up by the hands of teachers and teaching is an honorable profession. They must work in this responsible job with an understanding of high responsibility and honor, make a valuable contribution to the upbringing and education of the younger generation.

The Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon immensely supports and cares for teachers, especially young specialists. That is why every year many young teachers are awarded land plots, cash prizes and other incentives.
In the first part of the August education conference, the Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said spoke, analyzed the state of the education sector and commented on the achievements, successes and shortcomings of the education sector.

He emphasized that the conditions and opportunities for work and study in educational institutions have improved, many educational institution buildings are being built in all cities and districts. That is why the achievements and successes of education workers in recent years seem to be better.

Then the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Jurazoda Jamshed spoke. It was said that students of educational institutions of the cities and districts of the Khatlon region showed remarkable results in the competition for graduation with gold and silver medals, as well as excellent universal certificates with gold and silver medals. There are achievements in other areas as well.

During the August meeting of education workers, the head of the education department Ziyadullo Abdulzoda and veterans of the education sector also thanked the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for its care, especially the respected Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon and the support of the Chairman of the Khatlon region. Within the framework of the August conference, the results of competitions such as “Best Teacher” and “Best Student” were summed up, etc.

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