During a working visit to Dangara district and Nurek city, the Chairman of Khatlon region Davlatali Said got acquainted with the progress of construction works at festive sites.
As part of the construction works dedicated to the national holiday of the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan and the development of the infrastructure of cities and districts of the region, a number of buildings are being erected with modern architectural methods, high quality and compliance with modern requirements.
In Dangara district, the chairman of the region was informed about the progress of construction works in educational institutions and road reconstruction. The Chairman of the region got acquainted with the construction of the 18.5-kilometer-long transport road between the villages of Husseinsheikh, Lolarukh, Buleni Bolo, Navobod, Zulol and Khurramzamin, and also gave useful recommendations to specialists on bringing this local road in line with the requirements of the time.
It was reported that this road was built on the initiative of local entrepreneurs, and a similar measure extends to other jamrats and villages. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the region and the district leadership got acquainted with the progress of construction work in a new one-story educational institution located in the village of Navobod. It was said that this facility is designed for 300 people per shift, and construction work is proceeding rapidly in accordance with architectural requirements.
During the working visit, the Chairman of the Khatlon region talked with builders and managers and emphasized that they should expand the work on the improvement of these facilities and make a valuable contribution to the improvement of their villages and jamoat with the involvement of local residents.
During the working visit, the guests also got acquainted with the progress of construction work in a new two-story educational building located in the village of Buleni in the Dangara district.
According to the information, this institution is designed for 1,080 students per shift and will be built using modern architectural methods. The new building also houses the office of the director of the institution, a teacher’s room and technical classes. Along with the work performed at the site, serious attention is paid to the improvement of the environment, lighting, planting flowers and shrubs, shady and ornamental trees, and work in this direction continues every day.
The Chairman of the Khatlon region in the city of Nurek got acquainted with the progress of construction work at the Nurek hydroelectric power station, the central hospital of the city after repair and reconstruction, the central stadium and emphasized that festive facilities must be of high quality and built according to plan, it is necessary to pay close attention to their appearance.
It is important not to forget about the Day of Knowledge, State Independence and other upcoming holidays, instructions and advice were given to the leadership and activists of the city.