In order to implement the instructions and orders of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon, today, July 11, in the small hall of the Executive body of government of the Khatlon region, with the participation of the chairman of the region, Davlatali Said, the 18th meeting of the Advisory Council on improving the business environment and investments.
The meeting was attended by the first deputy chairman of the region, representatives of the republican ministries and departments, some heads of regional departments, organizations and institutions, representatives of development partners, the private and economic sectors, domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and investors of the Advisory Council for Improving the Business and Investment Environment.
At the meeting, issues related to the implementation of the decisions of the Advisory Council, the results of analysis and recommendations for the development of the business and investment environment in the region, and the draft agenda for the next meeting of the Advisory Council were discussed.
During his speech, Davlatali Said said that today’s event is a continuation of regular meetings and provides an opportunity to further strengthen cooperation and negotiations between regional authorities, the private sector, potential investors and development partners, as well as to carry out a free exchange of ideas in order to overcome emerging problems and obstacles in doing business.
It was said that the main purpose of creating the Council is to find ways to further improve the business climate, attract more investment and improve the image of the Khatlon region as a zone of opportunities for investment and business. Five issues were discussed at the Council: “Report on the results of the implementation of the decision of the previous meeting under the Chairman of the Khatlon region to improve the environment for business and investment”, “On the progress of the implementation of the Khatlon Region Development Program” agri-food system and sustainable agriculture for the period until 2030 and agribusiness in the Khatlon region”, “Implementation of the Export Development Program for 2021-2025 in the Khatlon region “, “Report on the development of entrepreneurship among women and youth in the Khatlon region” and “Preparation for the international investment forum “Khatlon Invest – 2024″”.
On the first issue, Usmonzoda Isfandier, Secretary of the Council, Head of the Department of Investments and State Property in the Khatlon region, expressed his opinion, on the second issue, Mirzozoda Muzaffar, First Deputy Chairman of the region, on the third issue, the Deputy Director of the Export Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Rahimzoda Bakhodur, spoke on to the fourth question, Abdusalomzoda Anzurat, Deputy Chairman of the Khatlon Region.

As noted, the development of the private sector, entrepreneurship and investment activities is always the focus of attention of the top leadership of the state and the Government.
Also taking part were the heads of the campaigns of Agroolam LLC – Abdushukur Makhmadzhonov, the head of Sulaimon LLC – Sulaimon Shafiev, the head of Avvalin JSC – Gadoev Manuchehr, the head of TochikAzot LLC – Sharipov Umed and others.
Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said, speaking on the fifth issue of “Preparation of the investment forum “Khatlon Invest – 2024”, which in order to create favorable conditions for attracting foreign capital, introducing new technologies, sharing management experience, building modern infrastructure and solving social issues in within the framework of the initiative of the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, since 2022-2026 are declared “Years of Industrial Development”, the International Investment Forum “Khatlon Invest – 2024” is planned to be held in the region in October 2024.
It was said that the Forum, as an important platform, will allow domestic and foreign entrepreneurs to make their valuable contribution to the sustainable development of the region by signing cooperation agreements and attracting capital, as well as importing modern production technologies. As part of the instructions and instructions of the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, in order to ensure and create new jobs, improve professional skills and provide the population with permanent employment, to create a Center for the Development of Professional Skills in the Dangara region, including the study of 5 types of professions , including Fruit and Vegetable Processing Specialist, Agricultural Equipment Repairer, Farm Manager, Appliance Repair, and learning foreign languages ​​such as English, Russian and Korean. It has been established that each student will receive an international certificate after graduation.
In recent years, active measures have been taken to develop the export potential of the Khatlon region. Events such as the Bokhtar Food forum undoubtedly played an important role in this regard.
At the same time, to achieve significant results, it is important to use new and modern forms and methods in organizing and holding a forum of importers of domestic products from foreign countries, widespread promotion of domestic products and other measures.
In conclusion, the chairman of the region, Davlatali Said, expressed his opinion on the holding of the 18th meeting of the Advisory Council under the chairman of the Khatlon region on improving the business and investment environment, increasing the level of dialogue between the private sector and the public sector of the economy, and also addressed the heads of organizations and institutions, members and secretaries Council, gave useful recommendations. This was reported in the information and analytical department of the Executive body of state power of the Khatlon region.

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