In the meeting room of the executive body of state power of the Baljuvan region, the chairman of the Khatlon region, Davlatali Said, held a mobile reception of citizens.

During the days of reception of citizens, residents asked for support and requests regarding the supply of drinking water, lack of roads between villages, provision of financial assistance, allocation of a plot of land, assistance for an operation, provision of material assistance to the disabled, etc.

The Chairman of the Khatlon region, Davlatali Said, gave specific instructions and orders to officials of regional and district institutions in order to timely consider and respond to citizens’ appeals.
After listening to the appeal of citizens, the chairman of the Khatlon region, Davlatali Said, held a meeting with activists and leaders of the executive state body of the Baljuvan region.

Davlatali Said touched upon the problems of the region and instructed leaders and activists to improve and improve the quality of education, medical care, establish the production of industrial products based on the processing of agricultural products, create industrial enterprises, strengthen ideological work, cooperation with the private sector in solving social issues of the population, explanatory work using the ” From home to home,” conscription of youth for military service, illegal religious teachings and other topical issues.

If you are close to people and quickly solve their problems, the more people will support you. The duty of each of us is to serve the people, we must not forget about this,” added the chairman of the Khatlon region, Davlatali Said.

Reported by the information and analytical department of the apparatus of the Executive body of state power of the Khatlon region.

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