On June 29, in the meeting room of the executive body of the Khovaling region, a mobile reception of citizens was held by the chairman of the Khatlon region, Davlatali Said.

The regional chairman first noted that solving social problems of citizens is the main responsibility of every civil servant, and leaders must promptly solve the problems of the people.

11 citizens approached the regional chairman with requests and offers for assistance for drinking water, provision of material assistance, allocation of land near the yard, dispute of agricultural land, dispute of pasture land, receipt of a grant from the chairman of the region, assistance for an operation, provision of financial assistance for the repair of residential premises .

Regional Chairman Davlatali Said gave specific instructions and instructions to officials of regional and district departments in order to timely consider and respond to citizens’ appeals.

After listening to the citizens’ appeal, the chairman of the Khatlon region, Davlatali Said, held a meeting with the heads of the executive body of the Khovaling region.

The regional chairman raised questions about expanding the work on improvement, construction and reconstruction of educational, medical and sports institutions, increasing the level and quality of education, medical services, establishing the production of industrial products based on the processing of agricultural products, strengthening ideological work, cooperation with the private sector to solve problems people, explanatory work using the “house to house” method, youth joining terrorist and extremist parties and movements, youth conscription for military service, illegal religious teachings and other important issues, and also gave specific instructions and orders to officials to resolve these issues.

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