Dear compatriots!
National unity is considered a sacred and historical value, a priceless good and a proud phenomenon. Thanks to this unique achievement, the people were saved. from the threat of alienation and our new independent state from the real threat of extinction.
I sincerely congratulate you, dear residents of the Khatlon region, on national unity, I wish you lasting peace, tranquility, prosperity and a peaceful life.
Ensuring peace and stability in our dear Tajikistan is the result of the invaluable efforts of the Founder of peace and national unity, Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon.
According to the respected Leader of the nation: “Unity, along with the values ​​of independence, freedom, Motherland and nation, has become an integral part of the peace-loving and tolerant thinking of the Tajik people, and it illuminates the proud path of construction and prosperity of the people.”
The history of national statehood and the era of the country’s independence prove with irrefutable evidence the great merits of Emomali Rahmon as the Leader and savior of the nation. This world-class politician has truly become a true Leader of the nation in the hearts and minds of the people with his high-level initiatives and ensuring the development of economic and social stability of the country. Great and irrefutable proof of this opinion is the respect and sincerity of the country’s residents towards the respected Leader of the nation, which originates in the creative and recognized activities of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, for building the state and strengthening national statehood.
Dear compatriots!
During the years of independence and ensuring favorable conditions for political stability, the Khatlon region also keeps pace with the stage of progress and large-scale development of the country, all economic and social indicators of the region are improving.
As a result of the effective work of hardworking residents of the region, providing the country’s consumer markets with high-quality consumer goods, the volume of agricultural production, efficient use of water and land, obtaining two or more harvests from one plot of land and the export of high-quality products abroad have increased significantly, which helps to improve the level and quality people’s lives. Every year, in the cities and districts of the region, in order to ensure a decent life for the people, hundreds of modern facilities for various purposes are put into operation, including the construction of educational and health institutions.
I am confident that the residents of the Khatlon region will continue to implement unique initiatives in the light of the orders and instructions of the respected Leader of the nation, and will make a worthy contribution to the celebration of important historical dates, carrying out constructive and ennobling work.
It is important to emphasize that in the modern world it is necessary that every patriotic person is responsible for promoting and instilling the ideas of peace, security, stability, patriotism, self-awareness, a sense of national pride and studying the history and culture of our nation.
As the respected President of the country Emomali Rahmon emphasizes: “The contradictions of our time, the emergence of dangerous ideas, the intensification of ideological struggle, information competition and other dangers that bring with them the storm of globalization force us to always be on guard for national unity for the sake of happiness and peace in the country “
In this regard, it is necessary to implement the instructions and instructions of the respected Leader of the nation, which he expressed during meetings with activists and religious figures on March 9 in the city of Dushanbe and on May 25 at a meeting with activists of the Khatlon region in the Dangara district. To have a strong position in protecting national and state interests, decent education and upbringing of children, strengthening the sense of patriotism of young people, preserving the language, eradicating the culture of xenophobia, ensuring the safety of our dear Motherland of independent Tajikistan from threat and danger.
The role of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon as an international-level politician in strengthening the foundations of national unity and ensuring universal unity in the country is significant. It should be recalled that national unity is a great and sacred good, from which all the successes and achievements of the state and the well-being of the people begin.
Long live the national unity and solidarity of independent Tajikistan!

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