In the meeting room of the Executive body of state power of the Khatlon region, the twentieth session of the Assembly of People’s Deputies of the Khatlon region of the sixth convocation was held under the chairmanship of Davlatali Said, Chairman of the Assembly of People’s Deputies of the Khatlon region.

The meeting was attended by the first deputy chairman of the region, deputies, heads of departments, heads of regional organizations and institutions, deputies, chairmen of cities and districts of the region, activists and media representatives.

Questions were considered about the “Progress of implementation of the decision of the Assembly of People’s Deputies of the Khatlon region dated December 25, 2020 No. 110 “On the approval of the “Social and Economic Development Program of the Khatlon Region for 2021-2025” in the cities and districts of the region”, report of the head of the department of culture of the Khatlon region “ State program for the development of cultural institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025″ in cities and districts of the region. Current issues were also discussed at the meeting.

At the proposal of the Standing Commission of People’s Deputies of the Khatlon Region on Economics, Finance and Management of Communal Property, Deputy Chairman of the Khatlon Region Karimzoda Jamshed spoke on the first issue. He noted that, depending on the decision of the Chairman of the Khatlon region, the corresponding decisions of the chairmen of cities and districts were sent to the relevant city and district organizations and departments, as well as city and rural jamoats for implementation.

From this account for 2021-2025, 34 projects worth 961.8 million somoni will be implemented in the agricultural sector, 20 projects worth 406.1 million somoni in industry, 47 projects worth 862.6 million somoni in electricity supply, tourism services – 12 projects worth 24.7 million somoni, transport and road construction – 74 projects worth 2432.0 million somoni, communications – 6 projects worth 11.5 million somoni, architecture and construction – 15 projects for the amount of 130.4 million somoni, education and science – 43 projects worth 448.4 million somoni, healthcare and social protection of the population – 48 projects worth 441.4 million somoni, culture and entertainment – 10 projects worth 176, 3 million somoni, youth and sports – 18 projects worth 161.0 million somoni, drinking water supply and housing and communal services – 16 projects worth 2261.5 million somoni, environmental protection – 7 projects worth 17.9 million somoni and emergency prevention – 18 projects worth 123.6 million somoni,” added the deputy chairman of the region.

According to information provided by the relevant regional organizations and departments and executive bodies of state power of cities and districts, from the beginning of the program on June 1, 2024, it is planned to implement 169 projects totaling 4774.6 million somoni, which is 56.4 percent, including including 20 projects in the agricultural sector worth 443.3 million somoni. (46.1 percent), industry projects 9,336.5 million somoni (82.9 percent), electricity supply 17 projects 324.4 million somoni (37.6 percent), services and tourism 10 projects 15.7 million somoni (63.6 percent), transport and roads 40 projects 2029.3 million somoni (83.4 percent), communications 3 projects 4.1 million dollars. somoni (35.7 percent), architecture and urban planning 8 projects 105.3 million somoni (80.8 percent), education, 20 projects, 251.1 million somoni (56.0 percent), healthcare and social protection of the population 23 project 382.6 million somoni (86.7 percent), culture 5 projects 96.7 million somoni (86.7 percent), sports and youth 7 projects 19.7 million somoni. (12.2 percent), drinking water supply 2 projects 755.5 million somoni (33.4 percent), environmental protection 3 projects 6.9 million (33.4 percent), environmental protection 3 projects 6.9 million . somoni (33.4 percent), emergency situations 2 projects in the amount of 3.5 million somoni (38.5 percent).

Further presentations were made by Muminzoda Mastura, acting representative of constituency No. 6. Chairman of Levakant, Khakimzoda Zukhro – deputy from electoral district No. 56, member of the Standing Commission of the Assembly of People’s Deputies of the region on economics, finance and management of communal property – deputy chairman of the Dangara district, Muminzod Abdulmajid – chairman of the city of Bokhtar.

On the second issue, a report was heard from the head of the Department of Culture of the Khatlon Region, Mustafo Vatanzoda, on the “State Program for the Development of Cultural Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025” in the Khatlon Region.

It was said that the Department of Culture of the Executive Body of State Power of the Khatlon Region and its subordinate institutions have implemented a number of measures to improve the cultural and educational level of citizens and eliminate existing problems in an extremely important area.

The total number of cultural institutions in the Khatlon region is 886, including 492 libraries, 286 club institutions, 3 folk philharmonic societies, 5 folk theaters, 3 professional theaters, 35 cultural and entertainment parks, 18 museums, 29 children’s art schools, 12 song and dance ensembles, there are 3 regional professional ensembles, 936 historical monuments are registered.

It is worth noting that in order to implement the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 3, 2021 No. 115 “On the State Program for the Development of Cultural Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025”, Resolution No. 167 of the head of the Khatlon region dated May 31, 2021 was approved, in order to implement it provisions at the expense of the state budget and other sources of financing have been allocated 2 million 328 thousand somoni, and are being implemented in this direction.

Chairman of the Assembly of People’s Deputies of Khatlon Region Davlatali Said, speaking to those present, raised questions about solving existing shortcomings in the areas of social protection of the population, agriculture, land use and reclamation, industry, energy, banking, construction and architecture, transport and communications, information, science and education , health care, culture, youth and sports affairs, tourism, women and family affairs, regulation of rituals and traditions and other issues. Specific instructions and instructions were given to activists in the region.

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