NIAT “Khovar”/. In cities and regions of the country, the process of eliminating the consequences of the natural disaster and carrying out bank protection work continues. On June 5, in order to fulfill the instructions of the Head of State, the commission of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, headed by the Prime Minister of the country Kohir Rasulzoda, got acquainted with the progress of eliminating the consequences of the natural disaster and bank protection work in the Temurmalik and Baljuvon districts of the Khatlon region.

The territory of the village of Bakhmanrud, the area of ​​Hamroviyo, the village of Kangurt, the villages of Tanobchii Poyon and Bolo are among the main dangerous places in the Temurmalik region. Until today, bank protection work has been carried out in these areas and protective dams have been built. However, successive rains this spring and mudslides in some parts have destroyed the built protective levees. The Surkhob and Shuraksoy rivers caused damage to the socio-economic sphere of the Temurmalik region, where work is currently underway to eliminate the consequences of the natural disaster.

Taking this into account, the Prime Minister of the country, Kohir Rasulzoda, instructed the relevant industry specialists and structures to develop a project and continue bank protection work in accordance with the requirements. To implement this important measure, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan will send additional assistance.

In dangerous places in the cities and districts of the Kulyab zone of the Khatlon region, reinforced concrete slabs are being erected, which are installed to prevent possible natural disasters.

Also on this day, a commission of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, headed by the Prime Minister of the country Kohir Rasulzoda, got acquainted with the destroyed sections of the bank of the Surkhob River, the Obimazor River, the town of Gurdara to the bridge over the Talkhak River and other areas of the Baljuvon region affected by the natural disaster.

In some places, protective dams were demolished by high water pressure.

It was emphasized that today the goal of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is to take timely measures and prevent the possible danger of natural disasters. Relevant industry structures and specialists have been instructed to study, develop a project and carry out bank protection work in flooded areas.

Bank protection work in the Baljuvon region continues at the expense of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the contribution of entrepreneurs. The main attention was paid to the quality of work. Also on this day, an enterprise for the production of construction materials was put into operation in the Baljuvon district. The activities of the industrial enterprise are mainly focused on the processing of roofing iron and wood. With the creation of industrial facilities, along with access for local residents to these types of building materials, 6 people are provided with permanent jobs.

Kohir Rasulzoda called it important to create a new enterprise based on the Government’s constant support for the activities of representatives of the private sector for the implementation of the fourth national goal – accelerated industrialization of the country.

From now on, the children of residents of the village of Samar, Baljuvon district, will receive education in the same modern conditions and improve their knowledge. The building of secondary educational institution No. 24 has 10 spacious classrooms designed for 480 students in two shifts. In specialized classrooms, laboratories, technology and training classes, the younger generation can master the exact sciences, arts and knowledge.

The Prime Minister of the country, Kohir Rasulzoda, regarded this as a worthy example of the government’s attention to the social sphere, and demanded exemplary work and education from teachers and students in response to the constant support of the Head of State. In general, in the Baljuvon region, on the eve of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, it is planned to build and put into operation 257 facilities, of which 108 have already been put into operation.

Currently, the creative process continues at a rapid pace, the results of State independence and the constant support of the Head of State increase the well-being of people.

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