On August 26, in the hall of the Executive Body of State Authority of Khatlon Region, the Chairman of the Region Davlatali Said held a meeting with the chairmen of cities and districts, entrepreneurs and heads of some regional structures.

The meeting with the participation of the Chairman of Khatlon Region was attended by the Deputy Chairman of Khatlon Region, the regional prosecutor, heads of state organizations and institutions of the region, chairmen of cities and districts of the cotton-growing region, heads of tax inspectorates, heads of cotton ginning enterprises, dehkan farms and other officials.

The meeting discussed the issue of “Activities of cotton processing enterprises, preparation of cotton ginning enterprises for the 2024 cotton harvest season, inclusion of actual volumes of cotton production and processing in statistical calculations, correct forms of taxation”, control of the cotton collection mechanism before its final processing.” Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said noted that the industrialization of the country is defined as one of the key goals, which also occupies a special place in the overall regional production of the region.

– Among the industrial products of the region, the textile industry is considered one of the main areas, and in 2022, the textile industry amounted to 2 billion 695 million 535 thousand somoni, which is 23.1% of the total volume, – added the chairman of the region.

The Chairman of the Khatlon region on the collection of cotton produced by farmers, its acceptance and processing, prevention of false reporting, the procedure for taxation of cotton processing, the actual state of payment of the tax amount by cotton ginning enterprises, ways to prevent illegal situations of processing and theft of cotton, ways to control the mechanism of cotton collection until its final processing and prevention of violations of the law in the direction of statistical accounting gave specific instructions and orders to officials.
Continuing the meeting, the Chairman of the Khatlon region Davlatali Said noted that in 2023, 63 large cotton enterprises, taking into account the 2022 stock (43,522), received 228,198 tons of raw cotton, 271,720 tons of raw cotton, of which 266,551 tons were processed, taking into account the remaining 77,548.2 tons of cotton fiber produced last year.

In order to ensure that beneficial measures are taken to balance the cotton harvest.
It should be noted that the region’s farmers have planted various varieties of cotton on an area of ​​120.7 thousand hectares. Thanks to the efforts of farmers, the cotton fields are growing well and are in the harvest period. According to experts, the expected cotton harvest is assessed as satisfactory, and in a number of districts the first cotton harvest is being collected.

Last year, during the cotton harvesting and delivery season to processing enterprises, a number of shortcomings and deficiencies were noticed, including purchases at a reduced price and late payment of the amount, which caused discontent among farmers, – added the chairman of the region, Davlatali Said instructed those responsible to study the issue of financing this year’s harvest and resolve it with industry organizations.

Then, the deputy chairman of the Khatlon region Faizullozoda Zarobiddin reported on cotton processing in the cotton processing enterprises of the region in 2023.
At the beginning of the working session, the Chairman of the Khatlon region also addressed the chairmen of cities and districts, the regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Bank branch, with a request to safely collect the cotton harvest, prevent its theft, prevent the stockpiling of cotton at home, establish proper control over the mechanism for collecting and processing cotton, the Department of the State Fire Service, JSC “Electric Distribution Networks” and the State Energy Control Service in the Bokhtar and Kulyab regions, the Department of Taxes, Agriculture, Statistics, Customs. and other bodies were given specific instructions.

The information and analytical department of the apparatus of the Executive Body of State Authority of the Khatlon region reports.

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